Call For Papers

The ICAAE 4 is accepting papers for proceeding publication. We accept contributions from those who care about exploring and enhancing the research and innovation in arts and arts education in the world. We welcome submissions from scholars, students, and practitioners across many disciplines that contribute to the study and practice of arts and arts education. If you are interested in submitting paper, please read the author’s guideline, download the template, register, and submit your paper before 10 September 2020. We also accept papers in Bahasa Indonesia.
Our theme for this year is: Contextual Education in the Era Hyperreality Post-Truth Society
Offered sub-theme:
  1. Post-modern research in arts and arts education
  2. Aesthetics and Hermeneutics in the study of arts in hyperreality era
  3. Research in arts and arts education concerning hyperreality – post truth
  4. Research in arts and arts education concerning the society of hyperreality
  5. Semiotics and media in the culture of visual hyperreality
  6. Digital Transformation of hyperreality arts and arts education
  7. Research on the creation of arts and arts education in the era of hyperreality
  8. Local wisdom of arts in the era of hyperreality – post truth
  9. Creative industry in the era of hyperreality – post truth
Before submitting your paper, we encourage you to read and follow the author’s guideline below to reduce the length of time it takes to process your submission.
  1. Paper must be in either .doc or .docx format
  2. The paper length should not exceed 6 pages. The format (font, font size, spacing, etc) should follow our template
*IMPORTANT: Papers that do not use the provided template will be rejected without going through reviewing process.
  1. Paper should include at least the following elements:
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction
    3. Review of literature
    4. Research methodology
    5. Findings
    6. Discussion
    7. Reference list
  2. Set the margin to:
  • Top-Left: 2.87 cm - 1.93 cm
  • Bottom-Right: 3.68 cm - 1.93 cm
  1. No page number
  2. Every figure or table must have caption and must be mentioned in the text
  3. The sources in the reference list should include ONLY those that are cited in the text body. Electronic resource must include a DOI
  4. Before uploading to our website, check whether the author’s name(s), emails, and affiliations are spelled correctly
The reviewer will check the quality of your paper based on the following criteria:
  1. Clarity of the focus of the research : whether your paper fits into the theme of the conference and one of the sub-themes
  2. Elements of the paper : whether your paper has all the elements of a research paper
  3. Originality of the paper : whether your paper is free of plagiarism attempt
  4. Thoroughness of the research : whether the research question(s) have been answered; whether the issue has been discussed in-depth; whether the paper has enough relevant review of literature